Elderberry Skin Potion 💟

from $15.00

The Elder Mother Skin Potion is a gift to the skin! Steeped in much superstition and folklore, the elderberry tree was on we believed to be inhabited by spirits known as an “Elder Tree Mother”. Before one cut any wood from the tree it was necessary to kneel and ask permission.

💜 BENEFITS: deep pore cleansing, astringent, packed with antioxidants ~ anti-aging, fights acne, calms the skin, reduces inflammation

~ Elderberry is a superfruit that can improve your skin's appearance. Their properties may prevent or lessen wrinkles, help age spots to fade, and generally improve the glow and tone of your body’s largest and most visible organ! NON-COMEDOGENIC!

~ Elderberries are also high in vitamins A, C and E, all skincare powerhouse ingredients! It eases the appearance of dark spots because Elderberries are rich in bioflavonoids, which makes this potion great for boosting collagen and preventing/lessening wrinkles!

~ Chickweed and Calendula are both vulnerary herbs, meaning they do a lot of their best work externally. There are few skin conditions these herbs cannot help. Cleanses, heals and nourishes the skin. Treats most skin disorders, (excema, acne, rashes etc.)

💚 Handcrafted in small batches with safe, natural, plant-derived ingredients.

How To Use

Facial toner. Spray evenly onto face after cleansing, or apply with cotton ball. Follow up with moisturizer.

  • for Oily Skin

  • for Combination skin

  • for acne prone skin

Ingredients: witch hazel, organic elderberries, organic chickweed, organic calendula.

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